Hold Negligent Manufacturers Accountable with the Assistance of a Vehicle Defect Lawyer
Car defects, such as malfunctioning air bags, seat belts, and steering components, can cause serious injuries to drivers and passengers. Vehicle defect lawyer Josh Silverman urges the victims of defective vehicles to contact our Richmond, VA, injury law office immediately to start an investigation, determine liable parties, and seek restitution. In some cases, safety-related defects may warrant a recall by the manufacturer. Unfortunately, not all recalls happen before injuries occur. If you or a loved one was injured due to a vehicle defect, call our office at (804) 325-4992 to speak with Mr. Silverman for free about your case.

Automobile Defects
Some of the more common automobile defects that can cause motor vehicle accidents or injuries include:
- Defective airbags: A defective airbag may include one that does not deploy upon impact or the deployment is delayed. It may also include those that deploy spontaneously.
- Inadequate side impact protection: Side collisions (sometimes referred to as “t-bones”) are common automobile accidents. Vehicles lacking proper protection in side panels can result in serious injuries.
- Defective tires: A defective tire can blow out on a highway or in other dangerous situations, resulting in severe injuries for everyone involved.
- Defective seat belts: A seat belt may break or fail to “lock” upon impact. This could result in ejection, which can cause severe, catastrophic injuries.
- Malfunctioning brakes: When brakes do not work properly, a car may gain speed and it can result in high-speed crashes.
There are a number of injuries that can be caused by these defects. While some, like minor bruises and sprains, can be less serious, others⏤including broken bones, burns, internal bleeding and organ damage, and head, neck, or spinal cord injuries⏤can be life-threatening.
There are a number of different parties that could potentially be liable for these defects. The automobile manufacturer, parts supplier, and dealer all play a role in the development, construction, and sale of a vehicle.
Who is Liable for these Defects?
There are a number of different parties that could potentially be liable for these defects. The automobile manufacturer, parts supplier, and dealer all play a role in the development, construction, and sale of a vehicle. Liability may depend on the type of defect and where it occurred. Sometimes, the design of the vehicle itself is defective, and other times the vehicle is defective due to errors in the manufacturing process.
Why You Need the Help of a Vehicle Defect Lawyer
As you can guess, cases involving automobile defects are complex due to the potential liable parties. You need an attorney on your side to conduct a thorough investigation. Mr. Silverman recommends contacting him as soon as possible following an incident involving a defect. He will fight for your rights and protect your interests against big businesses and predatory insurance companies. With his help, you can secure the compensation you deserve for your injuries and property damage. He can also help push for a recall to save others from similar accidents and injuries.
Schedule Your Consultation
If you or a loved one suffered an injury caused by an automobile defect, call our office at (804) 325-4992 or contact our law office today to book your initial consultation with Mr. Silverman. He will review your case and promptly begin an investigation to determine liability.