Police Crackdown on Unsafe Driving on Virginia Interstates
If you received a ticket last Saturday, you are are not alone. The Virginia State Police issued over 1250 speeding and reckless driving tickets in "Operation Land, Air & Speed." The stated goal was to make Virginia roads safer by deterring speeding and reckless driving which should reduce automobile accidents in Virginia. Personally, I'd like to hear of a crackdown on distracted drivers. The number of drivers on Virginia's interstates texting and looking down at their phones is causing countless accidents including traffic fatalities. Hardly a day goes by that I do not see someone driving erratically while looking down at their phone while driving home on Interstate 64.
For the unlucky ones who got a ticket recently, I generally do not defend traffic cases. However, I believe everyone is entitled to a defense and if you go to court without a lawyer the deck is stacked against you. If you were ticketed and need a free referral to a traffic defense lawyer please do not hesitate to contact me at (804) 325-4992 and I will be happy to put you in touch with an experienced traffic defense lawyer. You may be able to get the charges dismissed by going to driving school or at least get the charges reduced. You should never appear in court alone for a reckless driving ticket.